
A present for Cash...

Ok... so... I had to work from 6:30 to 6:00. I hate working all day. I think it should be illegal. Or at least it should be a law that we get an hour lunch followed by a nap. Mandatory. Anyways... I felt awful all day and was trying to make the best of it and did a pretty good job. I just kept thinking that there were a couple of more gifts to wrap when I got home and I had to make Cash's gift. 

Cash is my friend Jayme's son. He is 4 months old. He doesn't need clothes. Toys are not really that exciting to a 4 month old who pretty much can be entertained with  a bottle, a bink, or a ceiling fan.... and did I mention Jayme made me swear not to buy either of her children toys. So what was I to do... So i decided to make him something for his room.

His room is very creative and unique. It is like an antique red color with black trim and baseboards. He has a black ceiling fan and a black door. On the walls are black and white pictures of old cars, trucks, and other vintage things to do with cars and trucks. It does not sound very babyish but you throw a black crib in the corner and a black rocker by the window... and you will fall in love. He has a black toy box with diamond plate on the front. My dad made this for Jayme when she first found out she was having a boy. Jayme's husband cut his name out in diamond plate and the letters sit on a shelf leaning against the wall. He also has a night light. A red light. An actual red light ... like the ones that stop you on 280 every 30 yards or so...except it is older. It glows with soft light that makes the room very cozy and inviting. 

With all this in mind.. and the colors red, black and white. I set out to create a gift suitable for such a room and a sweet little man. I decided he needed a picture of himself... being such a handsome little man... and a picture of his sister because she is the sweetest little girl ever. I figured if I stayed with color scheme I would be ok without using the cars and trucks. I think I succeeded. 

I had so much making this!  :)


Sue said...

YOU are too creative....WOW! I don't understand why some people get all the creative juices and others (like me) NONE!

Kayla said...

Sue shouldn't lie like that.ha ha. Anyhow, that is way too adorable. I didn't realize that was buttons until I looked at the second picture from and angle. TOO CUTE!!